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Subscription Benefits

Here is an updated run down of the benefits for subscribing to the server!

Subscription Costs

Subscription costs 10 U.S. dollars per month or $100 per year and is available at the Mythmoor shop.

Sub Perks

  • 100 Mind Logic (enables 9 actions to be queued for a total of 10 actions)
  • A portal from your settlement to the capital city

Monthly Perks

  • 1 Sleep Powder
  • 10 Silver Coins (direct to your bank account, type /balance)

Consecutively Accumulated Rewards

Consecutive Time Reward
3 Months Worg Vanity Mount
6 Months Drake Vanity Mount (choice of red, green, white, blue or black)
9 Months Dragon Vanity Mount (choice of red, green, white, blue or black)
12 Months One fantastic non-combat tool made to 100ql in a choice of material (where applicable) with maximum enchants for skill gain and usage speed, bound to the player.
15 Months Raging Worg Vanity Mount
18 Months Drake Vanity Mount (choice includes pink and purple)
21 Months Dragon Vanity Mount (choice includes purple and ghost variants)
24 Months One fantastic piece of Armour, Weapon, Tool or Saddle made to 100ql in a choice of material (where applicable) with maximum enchants for skill gain and usage speed, bound to the player.
27 Months Rift Beast Vanity Mount
30 Months Fantastic Mystery Egg (this is a hatchable non-combat pet)
33 Months Hell Scorpious Vanity Mount
36 Months Choice of one extra affinity
48 Months One fantastic Tool made to 100ql in a choice of material (where applicable) with maximum enchants for skill gain and usage speed, appropriate tool ointment(s), bound to the player.
60 Months Two 5 speed horses of choice, One full set of fantastic horse gear (4 shoes, saddle with saddle bag, bridle, halter, barding) made to 100ql in a choice of material (where applicable) with maximum enchants for usage speed.
72 Months An added asterisk on an existing affinity or a single affinity of choice.
84 Months Fantastic magic carpet or magic broom with infinite refill. It must be named so that it is able to be identified as owned by the player. Also comes in your desired color.

Subscription Cancellation

When a sub is not renewed it is canceled.

What happens when a sub is canceled:

  • Player's Mind Logic is set to 60.
  • Portal is removed.
  • Monthly coin and sleep powder cease.
  • A break in consecutive sub will reset the sub rewards time to zero.
subrw.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/22 14:27 by freth

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