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Freth's New Player Guide
Updated 01/03/2022
In a hurry? Freth's New Player Quickstart
The Mythmoor experience is different from other servers, because there are many mods added, which enhance the experience. For a complete list of mods, see the Mythmoor website.
Being dropped in the middle of a starter town with no clear direction can leave even the most experienced player overwhelmed. Wurm Unlimited has so many possibilities that you can have a “I'm here, now what?” experience where you stand in Moor's Rest (the starter town) and find yourself directionless. This post aims to give you purpose, so that you have a direction to go. One could simply set out from town and learn the game as they go. That's what I did. I explored the map, died several times, but I had fun doing it. For the adventurer, this may be the best and most enjoyable option. However, if you want a more structured approach, read on.
TIP: The Wurmpedia wiki is your friend. Use it often. It has most answers you seek. However, keep in mind that the wiki is geared toward Wurm Online, and has departed somewhat from Wurm Unlimited. The goal of my wiki is to bridge the gap somewhat, which is an ongoing process.
New Player District
Mythmoor has a village for new players (no you don't have to join it to use it). It's called the New Player District. When you first arrive in Mythmoor you will be in the center of Moor's Rest, which is the capital of the Prime map. There is a green portal nearby that takes you to the New Player District. I highly recommend going there first if you're new to the game, or even if you're a seasoned player. It has plenty of information and all of the amenities you need to get started.
Goal Overview
These are the items you should focus on as a new player, to maximize your potential before setting out into the world.
Goal | Time | Why? | Alternative |
Mind Logic to 20.1 | 1-2 hours depending | To be able to build a large cart for transportation and storage. | Body control to 21 to be able to ride a horse, but little to no storage and takes much longer. |
Fighting Skill to 20.0 | 45 minutes | To be able to better defend yourself. | Set out on your own and skill up as you go. |
Create a set of tools | 30 minutes | This is a skill-based game. You need tools to do things. | Build tools as you need them. |
This guide will describe each of these in detail.
Once you've tackled these, you should be ready to start skilling up in whatever you choose and/or beginning your life in Wurm.
TIP: It would be beneficial to you to join a settlement. This gives you a safe environment to skill up before setting out on your own and it also provides a small community for you to be a part of. If you're the exploring type, you may want to skip villages altogether and seek your own path. You can find ads on the village recruitment board just inside the Market District, just NE of the center of Moor's Rest.
Mind Logic to 20.1
It's a good idea to work on getting your mind logic to 20.1 so you can command a large cart. This will provide much-needed freedom. You can gain mind logic from doing most tasks. If you want an easy task you don't have to think about, mine for a while and you'll get there in no time. Saw some logs into planks and carve logs into shafts. Make stone bricks with rock shard.
Tip: The fastest way to get to 20.1 mind logic is to make planks out of logs with a saw. You’ll need approximately 55 logs and it’ll take about 2 hours and approximately 350 actions. Be sure to repair your saw as needed during the process. You can also bypass the grind by subscribing to the server, which gives you 100 mind logic.
Once you reach 20.1 mind logic, make your large cart and improve it to above 10ql so that it can be commanded. Make three large crates. This provides storage in your cart. Large crates store 300 items, small store 150. Make a large chest or coffin and also put it in your cart for unique item storage. Find some horses to hitch to your cart. Later, you can cast Expand on the cart to increase its carrying capacity.
Storing Your Items
Store items in their respective containers to maximize storage efficiency.
The main storage containers you'll be working with as a new player:
- Item-based (100, 150, 300 items)
- Crate (small 150, large 300): Logs, shard, ore, dirt, sand, brick, slab
- Chest (small/large 100, large holds larger items), Large Storage Unit: Tools, weapons, armor, looted items
- Backpack, Satchel (100): Like chests, but hold smaller items; backpacks hold bigger items than satchels
- Volume based (16k)
- Bulk Storage Bin (16k): Small volume non-food resources and crafted components
- Food Storage Unit (16k): Food resources
- Barrel, water skin (kg varies by container size): liquids, water
- Increased storage
- Crates can be stored in a crate rack (which can hold 30 large crates)
- Bulk Storage Containers have four bulk storage bins in them (each 16k volume)
- The Expand spell greatly increases the volume capacity of containers, based on cast strength (1-116); see the Expand Mod page for more information
Fighting Skill to 20
On the outset, you're quite squishy as a new player, so it's a good idea to build your fight skill up to 20 before venturing out. Use the practice dummies at the New Player District.
You can only attain a maximum of 20 fighting skill at the practice dummies. It takes about 45 minutes to get to 20. You'll want to step back and take breaks to let your stamina restore. This speeds up the skill gain process and makes best use of the time spent at the practice dummies.
Do not use your weapon, unless you want to skill up in that weapon as it will take a lot of damage and possibly be destroyed if you’re not vigilant. Make a shaft and use it instead if you want to keep your weapon from getting damaged. You can make a shaft from a log. Logs come from trees. Use a hatchet to chop down a tree, then chop the felled tree into logs.
NOTE: Younger and older/shriveled trees and fruit trees typically drop a log instead of a felled tree.
Carve the log with a carving knife to make a shaft (Tip: Use the crafting window (B) and recipe window (N).). If you want to gain skill in a particular tool use it instead of a shaft. Since you'll be making your own tools later, damaging a tool isn't a major issue. There is a new player dungeon north of Moor's Rest called The Sewers. You may want to run through it after gaining 20 fighting skill, to work on your specific fight stances and weapon skills. Also, there's decent loot for making it to the end. The Sewers can be accessed from the New Player District via the brown portal.
First Aid
Cotton/Farmer's Salve
There are a few ways to treat wounds. Wounds can be found on the character screen (C). Your skeleton will have varying degrees of red. Click on the red areas to see specific wounds and their severity.
Cotton is used for treating open wounds that are light or medium. Cotton can be acquired by foraging the ground. You can use the foraged cotton to treat your wounds. Seeds can be picked from cotton for farming.
Farmer's salve is used for treating bruises, poison and internal wounds. You can make farmer's salve with fat (from animals) and garlic. Garlic can be foraged. Healing covers treat bad and severe wounds. You can make healing covers with various animal parts and other items. Success rate depends on the quality of healing cover you make.
Healing Covers
A healing cover is an alchemy item made from natural substances that consists of a poultice of various herbs and other components to be applied on a wound in order to assist healing. It can be applied in addition to a bandage or used on its own. Usage
To apply a healing cover activate it, right click the wound and select treat. To view your wounds either open the character window by double clicking on your health bar and select a highlighted body part or expand the body section of your inventory and drill down on each highlighted group.
The chance of success is affected by your first aid skill, the quality of the cover and severity of the wound. Failure to apply a cover has a small chance to make the wound worse. You may apply a stronger potency cover over a weaker one, but in reverse you are told that, “The wound already has a better cover.”
The strength of the cover is the potency value of the first ingredient, or substance, multiplied by that of the second: substance1.potency * substance2.potency = cover.potency
For example, a cover made from garlic (2) and nettles (3) would be (2 x 3 = 6) 6 potency. The maximum potency is 25.
Ingredient | Potency |
Black mushroom, Gland, Heart, Unicorn twisted horn | 5 |
Green mushroom, Lovage, Rosemary, Tooth, Nutmeg | 4 |
Blue mushroom, Camellia, Eye, Horn, Long horn, Nettles, Sage, Yellow mushroom | 3 |
Acorn, Barley, Bladder, Brown mushroom, Garlic, Hoof, Lavender, Lemon, Mint, Paw, Sassafras, Tail, Turmeric | 2 |
Corn, Onion, Paprika, Parsley, Pumpkin, Reed plant, Rose, Wemp plant, Wheat, Green coffee bean, Green tea leaf | 1 |
Examine a healing cover to determine its potency:
Examine Message | Potency |
A bunch of interwoven grass mixed with various healing ingredients. It will help some against wounds. | 1-4 |
A bunch of interwoven grass mixed with various healing ingredients. It will pretty efficient against wounds. | 5-9 |
A bunch of interwoven grass mixed with various healing ingredients. It will be good against wounds. | 10-12 |
A bunch of interwoven grass mixed with various healing ingredients. It will be very good against wounds. | 15-16 |
A bunch of interwoven grass mixed with various healing ingredients. It will be supreme against wounds. | 20+ |
You can still die from a bad or serious wound, even if you've successfully applied a healing cover.
Healing Spells
Healing spells are available if you become a priest. See the Deity/Spells section below.
As you may have guessed, you'll be making your own tools, weapons and armor, unless you purchase them from another player. The starter tools will suffice for a short time, but you should take the time to upgrade your tools as soon as you can. You'll benefit from having a set you can improve; starter tools cannot be improved.
How to get wood
Wood can be harvested from trees all around you. Fruit trees yield very little wood. Chop down a tree, chop felled tree into logs. Logs can be further processed using a carving knife and saw to make shafts, planks and more.
How to get ore
Go to the public mine south of Moor's Rest, on the hill next to the guard tower. The first vein you should look for is iron. It's right around the corner left of the entrance. Mine ore and then melt it in a forge, turning it to lump. Lump is used for making tools, weapons and armor. You may have to make a small cart or borrow one to drag behind you so you can haul the ores to the forge. See these wiki topics for more detailed information: Mining, Prospecting, Analyzing and Kiro's Mining Guide
How to make a campfire
Make kindling out of a log or wood scrap using a carving knife. As long as you have kindling in inventory, you will be able to make a campfire using the kindling and steel and flint.
How to light a forge
Make kindling out of a log or wood scrap using a carving knife. As long as you have kindling in inventory, you will be able to light a forge with your steel and flint (right click, light).
Adding fuel
Furnace fuel can be tar, wood items or peat.
You can add fuel to a furnace (forge, oven, etc.) two ways:
- (Recommended) Activate (double-click) a piece of wood, right click on the campfire/forge and burn. 24kg weight max fuel can be added.
- Add fuel items directly to the container. The items take damage until they disappear. Only when they disappear does the fuel get added to the burn time.
Checking Burn Time
Right click and examine the campfire/forge.
How to make stuff
N for recipes, B for the crafting window. Follow the recipe. Starter items are what are used to start the object. Then additional items are added to the object to complete it.
Tool list is as follows…
Make these first:
Item | Description |
Mallet (x2) | Building and improving tool. You need two because you must improve a mallet with a mallet and a hammer with a hammer at times. |
Small anvil | Making smaller metal items. |
Large anvil | Making larger metal items (unless you're at a location where you have access to one). |
Hammer (x2) | Building and improving tool. |
Then work on these:
Item | Description |
Awl | Leather improving tool. |
Branding iron | Branding animals to your deed to add permissions and settings (only the mayor can rename an animal). |
Butchering knife | Butcher resources from corpses. |
Carving knife | Cutting wood into fine pieces. Also an improving tool for wood items. |
File | Improving tool for wood items. |
Grooming brush | Grooming animals, to increase animal husbandry skill. |
Hatchet | Harvesting trees for wood. Also for making some items. |
Leather knife | Leather working and improving tool. |
Metal brush | Clean off archeological fragments. |
Needle | Cloth and improving tool. |
Pickaxe | Mining and prospecting tool. |
Rake | Tending crops. |
Rope (x3) | Leading animals. You can lead up to four, but you only get one rope at the start. Requires a rope tool and wemp fiber to make (found in the Tailory building). Also used to haul items up and down floors (ladder only). |
Saw | Cutting wood into square pieces like planks and shingles. |
Scythe | Harvesting grains like wheat, barley and oats. |
Shovel | Digging and working with dirt. |
Sickle | Harvesting fruits, nuts, sprouts, grass, flowers, etc. |
Stone chisel | Working with stone, improving and archeological fragments. |
Trowel | Stone masonry, usually working with mortar, also as a build tool. |
Whetstone | An improving tool for metal items. Made with rock shard. |
Water container | Water is used for tempering during the improving process and also keeps you hydrated. I keep a bucket in my backpack for hydration and tempering, but a 12kg bucket can be heavy for a new player with low body strength. For a new player I suggest a water skin, a flask or a pottery jar for carrying water. Yes, you can drink the same water you temper with. |
Item | Description |
Pelt | An improving tool for polishing items. Looted from butchered dogs, mountain lions, wild cats and large rats. You should be able to find a random dog nearby. The New Player District has a spawning wildcat mission; read the village message board there for more info. You can also ask for a free pelt in GL-Freedom (global chat). People give them away to new players all the time. |
There are other tools that can be made, but they are specialty tools for various tasks that you'll get around to as you need them.
TIP: Even though you have some tools already, make replacements as soon as you can so you can improve your tools. Beginning Your Journey
Players can cast spells if they skill up in Faith to become a priest. Spells include defensive, offensive, buffs, enchants, heals and various others.
Vanilla vs Mythmoor
Vanilla: Priests have heavy restrictions. Spells vary by deity.
Mythmoor: Priests do not have restrictions. All deities have the same spells.
How to Become A Priest
In order to become a priest you must first choose a deity. You can find a complete list of deities and info in the Guide to Mythmoor.
Once you know the deity you want, here are the steps to become a priest.
- Go to Moor's Rest (the capital of the Prime map).
- Go to the light or dark altar (per the deity you chose). See the map of Moor's Rest in the Guide to Mythmoor (link above).
- Pray at the altar until 30.0 Faith.
- Right click the altar, become a priest. Ignore the restriction notice, we have no restrictions.
- Pray once more to get your spell bar. You can now pray from home to skill up.
- Make an altar at home. Some altar types require you bless them before you can use them.
- Pray up as high as you want to access the various spells and bonuses (as per the Guide to Mythmoor spreadsheet).
- Make a statuette of your deity (as per the deity table in the guide). The skill required is jewelry smithing, and you will need gold or silver, which you can find at public mines. Or ask for someone to make or give you a statuette as it is difficult to make one as a new player.
- Enjoy the ability to cast. You can now enchant items, cast buffs, heal, and many other useful spells. 10. Use Light Token or Morning Fog to skill up in Channeling skill. Higher Channeling skill will give you higher casts. You'll want higher casts for more effective enchants, etc.
- When you reach mid-to-upper 90's in Faith skill you will need to preach to other players, or alts. This must be done a few times at the main altar in Moor's until you reach 100.
Faith (skill) determines your Favor (spell power). As your Faith goes up, your Favor will increase to match it.
Making Money
Making money is fairly easy.
Kill stuff to get “bounty” money. The tougher the mob the more money you get. Collect loot from corpses. Sell corpses and items to a deed marker. There is a limit to this, but it helps. Take on odd jobs. Skill up in a trade and sell your wares. Find rare loot. Participate in events to get high-end loot, which you can sell. Harvest resources and sell them, especially during seasons where fruits and nuts are ready for harvest. Buy money from at $5 for 10 silver or $35 for 1 gold. Become a subscriber of Mythmoor which gives you 10 silver a month, a portal, 100 mind logic (10 queued actions), sleeping powder (an increased skill gain buff) and other perks.
Improving Your Tools
Improving tools is fairly straight-forward. Your tool quality level, coupled with your skill, determines the cap in the quality of resources you can gather. Typically somewhere in the neighborhood of 10ql above, so that you have a chance to get higher resources. Those higher resources can then be used to improve your tool that much farther. Improving requires a number of tools to perform.
Item Type | Improving Tools | Resource |
Wood | File, Carving Knife, Pelt, Mallet | Log Plank |
Metal | Whetstone, Water, Pelt , Hammer | Lump of Ore |
Rock | Stone Chisel | Rock Shard |
Clay | Spatula, Clay Shaper, Water, Hand | Clay |
Cloth/Leather | Needle, Awl, Leather Knife, Mallet | Cloth/Leather |
NOTE: A tool with a wooden handle and a metal head is considered metal and needs to be heated in a forge before improving.
An icon next to an object in inventory (see right side) shows you the next item you need to use to improve that item. Metal items must be glowing hot, as does the lump being used to improve the item. Whatever your raw resource (log or lump), it needs to be higher quality than the quality of the item being improved. If the item you want to improve is too big to fit into inventory, examine it to see the next improve item to use.
Improving using menus can become very tedious. I suggest you go into settings and bind keys for improve, repair and activate. This allows you to hover over an item and queue up improve and repair and do this to multiple items (especially if you have a lot of queue actions). It speeds up the process greatly. Some people like to use high quality toolbelts to hold their improving tools, for ease of switching between them; using number keys.
As you may have guessed, when you settle at your own place, you'll want a large anvil and a container of water nearby. I like to keep bulk storage bins nearby too, so can access kindling, logs and lumps from storage.
See the improving guide on the wiki for more information.
Repairing and improving go hand-in-hand, because sometimes when you attempt to improve something you damage it instead. Some items require specific crafted items to repair them. For instance, some fence types may require a stone brick to repair them, 10ql at a time.
Flat land is required before planning a building and planting crops.
You'll want to do some digging on flat land at first, to get your skill up a bit. This is so you have the skill to dig on uneven land.
Land is divided into square 4 meter by 4 meter tiles. Surrounding those tiles are rectangular borders.
When you dig, the corner nearest to where you are standing is the one that's affected. Thus, leveling manually can be done by adding or removing dirt from tile corners. While you have a tool active, you can see slope differences on the tile borders, which changes depending on where you're standing. Down means dig, up means add dirt. Sometimes it's necessary to use climb to get to a corner to lower it. Extreme slopes will cause added dirt to roll off and disappear or you'll need twice the dirt to raise a corner. You may need to level other corners around it to add dirt effectively.
The level and flatten actions are great for quickly getting land shaped to your needs. Start by flattening a tile. Make sure the tile itself says flat. Then stand on that tile and use level to bring other tiles around you down or up (up requires dirt in your inventory) quickly.
Planning A Building, Then Building It
Buildings must be built on a flat (level) surface. You must level dirt using a shovel. Once your footprint area is flat, you can begin building.
Activate your hammer or mallet and right click on a flat tile to plan your build. You can right click on consecutive tiles to expand the footprint of your build. Use this same method later to add to an existing build. Once you’re satisfied with the footprint, right click on the build framework and Finalize.
Once finalized, you can remove a wall by right clicking on it and selecting remove plan here. Start building walls using (activated = green; double click on it in inventory) the appropriate tool (wood, stone) and resource. Then build floors (optional), then roof or second floor. Walls have to be up before you can progress to the floors, roof or second floor. As you build, you’ll need to keep the required build components in your inventory to add them to the build so that each wall, floor, ceiling, etc. can be finished. You will also need small and large nails on hand, which are made with iron in a forge.
Destroying a plan can be done with right click, structure, and demolish. After a building has been partially constructed, you will need to go into your character sheet (C key), right click on lower left, select manage, and buildings, then stretch the resulting window to see the Demolish button. Click it to demolish the building.
This ends the new player guide (for now). This is a continuing work in progress. The goal here was not to cover all aspects of the game (that would take a book!), but to give you a running start.