Things to know:
- Julbords cannot be rotated once created. Ensure you are facing a good angle before finishing a julbord. You can use the improved compass mod's angle display to check, or align your chat menu window line with a line in 3D space.
- Julbords disappear mid-day on 12/31 of each year. You will have to make a new one at the end of the year or buy one from a merchant or player.
- At the time of the latest edit of this page there is a julbord mod being developed by Xype (the owner of Mythmoor) to make julbords quality based for nutrition, and to make them deplete as they are used (meals can be added to replenish). There currently is no release date for the mod.
- Crafting recipe requires .7kg or greater meal size.
- 35kg total meal(s) needed for one julbord.
- 35kg divided by .7kg is 50 .7kg meals.
- You can eat from a julbord if your food percentage is below 84%.
julbords.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/10 08:06 by freth