Figuring out how to make pastry in Wurm can be a pain. I've made it and forgotten about it at least once, and had to struggle through it again to learn what I forget. It is because of this that I'm posting this here for posterity, and my own benefit.
- Pottery bowl
- Fork
- 1 salt
- 1 flour
- .25 butter; 1 milking of a cow (1.0kg) turned to butter with a fork (.25 butter)
- .52 water (use a measuring jug)
The most overlooked step. If you think about it, you don't slap dough ingredients into an oven to cook without mixing them first into a dough.
- Use a fork on the pottery bowl filled with the above ingredients to make a pastry.
Pastry alone will not cook, it is considered a “pie crust” ingredient (pie dish containing 1 pastry + ingredient(s) = pie). You can eat the pastry itself (raw) and it will give you affinity, or use it for a pie.
pastry.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/03 18:28 by freth