Table of Contents
Custom Actions
As a long-time computer user, over the years I've looked for and implemented ways to reduce stress on my hands, whether it be typing or the mouse.
The Custom Actions mod gives you the tools you need to combine actions and reduce stress on your hands, while at the same time getting things done quicker.
Keybinds are what Custom Actions is all about. Let's get started.
Custom Action commands are entered into the console (F1).
Command | What It Does |
act_show on | Turns on action number display in menus |
act_show off | Turns off action number display in menus |
bind space “act 123 hover” | Perform action on object mouse is hovered on |
bind space “act 45 target” | Perform action on target |
bind space “act 568 @eq20” | Perform action on backpack |
bind space “act 162 @eq2” | Perform action on helmet |
bind space “act 97 @nearby4” | Perform an action tiles within four meters of the player |
Chaining commands will queue actions. You must have high enough Mind Logic for the number of actions.
bind B "act <id> <target>" bind B "act <id> <target> | <id> <target>" bind B "act <id> <target> | <id> <target> | <id> <target>" Example: Tend and then harvest in a 3x3 area. bind B "act 151 area | 152 area"
Target | Explanation |
hover | Uses the specified action upon the hovered item, object or tile |
body | Uses the specified action upon the characters body |
tool | Uses the specified action upon the currently activated item |
selected | Uses the specified action upon the selected tile/object |
tile | Uses the specified action on current tile |
tile_{dir} | Uses the specified action on nearby tile (n,e,w,s,ne,nw,se,sw) |
area | Uses the specified action on 3×3 area (think of a tic-tac-toe game board and you're in the middle) |
@tb{n} | Uses the specified action on item in toolbelt slot #n |
toolbelt | Activates the tool in belt slot <id> (1-10) |
There are also a console commands.
nexttoolbelt prevtoolbelt loadtoolbelt # load a specific toolbelt config (0-9)
Command | Description |
bind space “act 3 toolbelt | 154 tile | 4 toolbelt | 318 tile” | Activate slot 3 (say, a shovel) and pack the tile you are standing on, after that it will activate slot 4 (say a rake) and cultivate the same tile |
bind r “act 163 hand” | Repair your current tool |
bind f “act 183 @tb1” | Drinks from toolbelt slot #1 (if it contains water) |
Character | EQ Number |
left hand | 0 |
right hand | 1 |
head | 2 |
torso | 3 |
legs | 4 |
left | 5 |
right arm | 6 |
left hand | 7 |
right hand | 8 |
left foot | 9 |
right foot | 10 |
shield | 11 |
cape | 14 |
tabard | 15 |
right ring | 16 |
left ring | 17 |
left shoulder | 18 |
right shoulder | 19 |
back | 20 |
neck | 21 |
belt | 22 |
quiver | 23 |
face | 25 |
Freth's Methods
Rather than use a bunch of bind keys, I use the space bar for all of my repetitive actions, and swap them in and out either manually (typing them into the console) or by using the exec command to load in a text file that has binds in it. This allows me to swap binds in and out quickly for whatever action I'm doing at the time. After spending a little time with the mod you'll memorize the numbers that correspond to your most used actions.
VIDEO: Freth's video on how to use Custom Actions
VIDEO: How to maximize hunting and gathering with Custom Actions
Butcher, Open, Bury All
I use R and space bar keys for butcher and bury all so that I can butcher, gather the items, then bury the corpse.
Put your butchering knife in toolbelt slot 1 and your shovel in toolbelt slot 2 (or change the numbers).
Activate butchering knife, butcher all nearby corpses, open all nearby corpses.
bind r "act 1 toolbelt | 120 @nearby8 | 3 @nearby8"
(take items you want from the corpse)
Bury all.
bind space "act 2 toolbelt | 707 @nearby8"
bind space "act 144 hover"
Ten actions:
bind space "act 144 hover | 144 hover | 144 hover | 144 hover | 144 hover | 144 hover | 144 hover | 144 hover | 144 hover | 144 hover"
Felling, Chopping
Note: Trees are a property of a tile while felled trees are objects on a tile, which is why area and nearby must be used respectively.
Fell nearby trees:
bind Space "act 96 area"
Chop nearby felled trees within area (8 meter reach):
bind Space "act 97 @nearby8"
Improve, repair:
bind Space "act 192 hover | 162 hover"
10 action Improve, repair:
bind Space "act 192 hover | 162 hover | 192 hover | 162 hover| 192 hover | 162 hover | 192 hover | 162 hover | 192 hover | 162 hover"
Hover your mouse over an item and press the key. When the required tool or resource switches it will dump the action queue as it no longer pertains to the previous tool. Press the key again to queue up actions for the current improve tool.
bind space "act 145 hover"
Ten actions:
bind space "act 145 hover | 145 hover | 145 hover | 145 hover | 145 hover | 145 hover | 145 hover | 145 hover | 145 hover | 145 hover"
Tend and Harvest
Tends and harvests a 3×3 area.
Selects the rake from toolbelt slot 3, tends (farm), then selects the scythe from toolbelt slot 4 in case it's needed, harvest area around player.
bind space "act 3 toolbelt | 151 area | 4 toolbelt | 152 area"
Building Reference
Type | Action Number |
Clockwise Spiral Staircase | 709 |
Clockwise Spiral Staircase with Banisters | 711 |
Counter Clockwise Spiral Staircase | 710 |
Counter clockwise Spiral Staircase with Banisters | 712 |
Ladder | 515 |
Left Staircase | 706 |
Right Staircase | 705 |
Staircase | 659 |
Wide Staircase | 704 |
Wide Staircase with Both Banisters | 715 |
Wide Staircase with Left Banister | 714 |
Wide Staircase with Right Banister | 713 |
Floor Above | 508 |
Floor Below | 509 |
Roof | 507 |
Wooden Walls
Type | Action Number |
Wooden Arch | 616 |
Wooden Arch T | 762 |
Wooden Arch Left | 760 |
Wooden Arch Right | 761 |
Wooden Canopy | 679 |
Wooden Door | 614 |
Wooden Door Double | 615 |
Wooden Portcullis | 658 |
Wooden Wall | 612 |
Wooden Window | 613 |
Wooden Window Wide | 680 |
Timber Framed Walls
Type | Action Number |
Timber Framed Arch | 626 |
Timber Framed Arch T | 768 |
Timber Framed Arch Left | 766 |
Timber Framed Arch Right | 767 |
Timber Framed Balcony | 676 |
Timber Framed Door | 624 |
Timber Framed Door Double | 625 |
Timber Framed Jetty | 677 |
Timber Framed Wall | 622 |
Timber Framed Window | 623 |
Marble Walls
Type | Action Number |
Marble Arch | 825 |
Marble Arch T | 831 |
Marble Arch Left | 829 |
Marble Arch Right | 830 |
Marble Door | 823 |
Marble Door Double | 824 |
Marble Oriel | 828 |
Marble Portcullis | 826 |
Marble Wall | 820 |
Marble Wall Barred | 827 |
Marble Window | 821 |
Marble Window Narrow | 822 |
Plain Stone Walls
Type | Action Number |
Plain Stone Arch | 653 |
Plain Stone Arch T | 771 |
Plain Stone Arch Left | 769 |
Plain Stone Arch Right | 770 |
Plain Stone Door | 651 |
Plain Stone Door Double | 652 |
Plain Stone Oriel | 681 |
Plain Stone Portcullis | 655 |
Plain Stone Wall | 648 |
Plain Stone Wall Barred | 656 |
Plain Stone Window | 649 |
Plain Stone Window Narrow | 650 |
Pottery Walls
Type | Action Number |
Pottery Arch | 801 |
Pottery Arch T | 807 |
Pottery Arch Left | 805 |
Pottery Arch Right | 806 |
Pottery Door | 799 |
Pottery Door Double | 800 |
Pottery Oriel | 804 |
Pottery Portcullis | 802 |
Pottery Wall | 796 |
Pottery Wall Barred | 803 |
Pottery Window | 797 |
Pottery Window Narrow | 798 |
Rounded Stone Walls
Type | Action Number |
Rounded Stone Arch | 789 |
Rounded Stone Arch T | 795 |
Rounded Stone Arch Left | 793 |
Rounded Stone Arch Right | 794 |
Rounded Stone Door | 787 |
Rounded Stone Door Double | 788 |
Rounded Stone Oriel | 792 |
Rounded Stone Portcullis | 790 |
Rounded Stone Wall | 784 |
Rounded Stone Wall Barred | 791 |
Rounded Stone Window | 785 |
Rounded Stone Window Narrow | 786 |
Sandstone Walls
Type | Action Number |
Sandstone Arch | 813 |
Sandstone Arch T | 819 |
Sandstone Arch Left | 817 |
Sandstone Arch Right | 818 |
Sandstone Door | 811 |
Sandstone Door Double | 812 |
Sandstone Oriel | 816 |
Sandstone Portcullis | 814 |
Sandstone Wall | 808 |
Sandstone Wall Barred | 815 |
Sandstone Window | 809 |
Sandstone Window Narrow | 810 |
Slate Walls
Type | Action Number |
Slate Arch | 777 |
Slate Arch T | 783 |
Slate Arch Left | 781 |
Slate Arch Right | 782 |
Slate Door | 775 |
Slate Door Double | 776 |
Slate Oriel | 780 |
Slate Portcullis | 778 |
Slate Wall | 772 |
Slate Wall Barred | 779 |
Slate Window | 773 |
Slate Window Narrow | 774 |
Stone Brick Walls
Type | Action Number |
Stone Arch | 621 |
Stone Arch T | 765 |
Stone Arch Left | 763 |
Stone Arch Right | 764 |
Stone Door | 619 |
Stone Door Double | 620 |
Stone Oriel | 678 |
Stone Portcullis | 657 |
Stone Wall | 617 |
Stone Wall Barred | 791 |
Stone Window | 618 |
Type | Start | Continue |
Openings/Ladders | Same As Type | 169 |
Wooden Plank Floor | 20000 | 169 |
Stone Brick Floor | 20001 | 169 |
Sandstone Slab Floor | 20002 | 169 |
Slate Slab Floor | 20003 | 169 |
Pottery Brick Floor | 20008 | 169 |
Marble Slab Floor | 20011 | 169 |
Stone Slab Floor | 20013 | 169 |
Type | Start | Continue |
Wooden Shingle Roof | 20000 | 169 |
Slate Shingle Roof | 20003 | 169 |
Thatched Roof | 20004 | 169 |
Pottery Shingle Roof | 20008 | 169 |