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Moving Objects

Moving objects in the world efficiently necessitates making move keybinds. Otherwise, you must use the right click menu, which is tedious.


Here's a short video tutorial for setting move keybinds.

Move Keybinds

How To

  1. Press Escape
  2. Settings
  3. Time tab
  4. Scroll down until you see Push
  5. Set Push, Push Gently, Pull, Pull Gently, Turn clockwise, turn counterclockwise, then Save.

TIP: Use the mod drop-downs for adding shift key combos to a keybind.

My binds are as follows:

  • Left/right square brackets for pull/push.
  • Shift-left/right square brackets for pull gently/push gently.
  • -/+ for turn clockwise/counterclockwise.
movekeys.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/26 14:24 by freth

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