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Yearly Events


A player run event (with GM assistance) where skilled players improve your items. During the event there are various activities, like races and crafting contests where prizes are awarded. Sometimes the Impalong event is combined with the Wish or Wizkill event.

Wish or Wizkill

A GM event where player wishes can come true… nor not. GM's sit on thrones before an audience of players. Players approach the throne one at a time to make a request. GM's consider the wish. Your wish may be granted, but it may or may not be in the way you expect. Say the wrong thing or approach the throne disrespectfully and you might have your heart ripped out.


A yearly event where specific creatures are selected to be hunted. During the event creatures drop kill tokens that you collect and turn in for rewards.

Mailing Kill Tokens

Mailing massive amounts of kill tokens can and will break your mail. Tokens held up in mail will be in limbo for two weeks. You will miss the window for turning in the tokens.


I need to remind everyone again, I guess the yearly reminder, free mail is not so you can send sacs full of small items, its so you can send people quality items without having to pay fees or being forced to cod to cover fees.

We CAN NOT recover items from broken mails when its broken from sending tens or hundreds of items in the mail.

We also can not fix it and both parties mail will be broken until the server expires them, 2 weeks to a month later.


See the Holiday Events page for information pertaining to holiday events.

yearly.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/30 18:59 by freth

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