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How to Install and Use Mods


Mythmoor has several server side mods that require Client Mod Launcher so your Wurm client can download the necessary content. If you do not have the Client Mod Launcher installed, you will not be able to see certain objects.

There are many client mods that add useful features to Wurm Unlimited. Read this page for more information.

This page has two sections.

  • How to Install Mods
    • Package Install
    • Individual Install
  • How to Use Mods
  • How to Disable Mods

Use the table of contents on the right for navigation.

How to Install Mods

NOTE: The ESP, Scanner and WurmHelper mods are banned on the Mythmoor server.

This page gives you two options for installing mods:

  • Option 1: Package Install - Download and install a package of mods all at once (includes the Client Mod Launcher).
  • Option 2: Individual Install - Download and install mods individually (requires the Client Mod Launcher; instruction below).

TIP: You may want to back up your PlayerFiles folder in case something goes wrong. This folder contains your config files and logs. If you have to reinstall Wurm it'll save your settings for you. Once you have reinstalled the game, overwrite the PlayerFiles folder with your backup before running WU.


I've created a zip file with mods that you can download and extract to your WurmLauncher folder. You will need to run patcher.bat after you've extracted the files.


NOTE: Before you watch the video, please read the bullet points.

  • It isn't explained in the video, but you can select a range of files three ways in the Windows File Explorer.
    • CTRL-A selects all.
    • SHIFT-left click one file, then SHIFT-left click another file selects a range of files sequentially.
    • CTRL-left click selects individual files non-sequentially.
  • CTRL-C copies.
  • CTRL-V pastes.
  • Drag/drop copies or moves, depending.
  • These shortcuts are somewhat ubiquitous in most operating systems and applications.

VIDEO: How to install Freth's Modpak zip file

Mods Included

  • Client Mod Launcher
    • Archeology Groups
    • Better Tooltips
    • Cave Vision (only works with legacy renderer setting)
    • Custom Actions
    • Custom Client Render
    • Disable Tree Collision
    • Fish Buddy
    • Fix VBO
    • Free Cam
    • Improved Compass
    • Improved Improve
    • Live Map
    • Max Toolbelt
    • Range Finder
    • Season Configure Mod
    • Sort Mod
    • Third Person Mod
    • Time Lock

Other Mods

  • No Winter (see links below under Step 1) - Winter still happens, but the snow textures are not seen. You can still collect snow, you just won't see it. It is a personal choice I didn't want to make for the player, so I left it out.
  • Old Mobs - Mobs are dyed a color according to their condition (sly, alert, etc.). This was the old way of indicating condition and outdated. The new way has color tinting built into the mob textures, which is built into the game.
  • Skill Gain Tracker - Redundant as there is a skill gain tracker built into WU, but it does have additional functionality. Regardless, I chose to not include it in the package.

Step 1: Download

NOTE: In the video the old link was direct from my website. I've since changed the link to be on Google Drive. Everything else is the same. If you find either of these links to be restricted from download, please PM Freth on Discord, as I probably updated the file(s) and forgot to modify the share setting.

Two options:

Step 2: Install Mods

NOTE: If you are running WU on Linux be sure to see the Linux section below.

  1. Close any running copies of Wurm Unlimited.
  2. Extract the zip file (or copy the files using Windows Explorer) to your WurmLauncher folder. This creates a mods folder under the WurmLauncher folder that contains sub folders for the various mods.
  3. Run patcher.bat in the WurmLauncher folder to patch the game.
  4. Run the game. It should now have all mods.
  5. Read the How to Use Mods wiki page.


If WU loads, but the mods do not work:

  1. You put the files in the wrong folder. Make sure you have a mods folder under the WurmLauncher folder. If not, you put the files in the wrong folder. It is common to mistakenly put them in the Wurm Unlimited folder.
  2. For whatever reason the files did not extract properly. Ensure the individual mod folders exist under the WurmLauncher\mods folder.
  3. Check for patching errors. Open a command prompt in the WurmLauncher folder and run patcher.bat to see if there are any errors.

If WU does not load at all, delete the mod folders (under WurmLauncher\mods) one at a time to find the bad mod. Older mods will cause WU not to load. Do not delete connectionfix, custommaps or serverpacks folders as these are part of the Client Mod Launcher. If you do, you'll have to reinstall Client Mod Launcher.

Worst case scenario uninstall and reinstall Wurm Unlimited in Steam and start over. If you're struggling with the manual install watch the videos on this page.

Step 3: Configuration (Optional)

Live Map

If you want to be able to see ores in mines that are beyond the mined areas, you can turn one visibility in the file by setting showHiddenOre=true.

STOP. You're done. What follows is the individual install procedure.

Option 2: Individual Install


  • How to install Client Mod Launcher to receive server packs for server side mods and install client mods if you want.
  • How to install individual mods (requires Client Mod Launcher be installed; instructions below).


Step 1: Download the Client Mod launcher

Ago's Client Mod Launcher

NOTE: It may be confusing that the author's forum post calls it the Client Mod Loader, but then the GitHub site and file calls it the Client Mod Launcher. Both names refer to the same thing.

Loads the mods into Wurm Unlimited.

This is the tool that enables downloading of server packs (textures, models, data) for server-side mods, and patches the game with client-side mods that you have installed in the WurmLauncher/mods folder. If you just want to download server packs and not client-side mods, you still want to run patcher.bat after installing this tool.

Author's Forum Post
Direct Download

If you just needed the Mod Launcher installed to be able to see server side mod graphics, you can skip to Step 3.

Step 2: Download the Mods

Download only the mods you want.

Live Map

Adds a live map, which is handy for navigation.

Author's Forum Post
Direct Download

Improved Compass

The compass no longer disappears, and has coordinates and height.

Author's Forum Post
Direct Download

Improved Improve

Uses your toolbelt to auto-switch between improve tools, making improving much faster and easier. You will need to make binds for activate, repair and improve. I use these keys: ,=activate .=repair /=improve

Author's Forum Post
Direct Download


Toggle trees, grass and more.

Author's Forum Post
Direct Download

Time Lock

Hard sets the time of day.

Author's Forum Post
Direct Download

Custom Actions

Bind any action to a key.

Author's Forum Post
Direct Download

Cave Vision

Sets cave lighting to full brightness. NOTE: This mod only works with the Legacy renderer, which can be selected under Settings, Graphics. Switching from Modern to Legacy renderer disables some of the lighting and reflective effects, so it's a choice you have to make. Fancy graphics or full lit caves.

Author's Forum Post
Google Drive

Better Tooltips

Shows all ground tooltips regardless of active tool, skill level and/or distance.

Tiles always show type and if they are flat, in addition the following will be shown:

  • Trees/bushes - age, sprout presence and harvestability
  • Fields - type, stage, tended status
  • Grass - flower type
  • Animals will show their sex, and for horses also color in the tooltip.
  • Tile borders will always show slope
  • Tile corners show their absolute height (above sea level)

Author's Forum Post
Direct Download


Only works with the Modern renderer setting (Settings, Graphics). Fixes a bug that causes main altar light pillars and certain mobs to be invisible. The Legacy renderer doesn't have this issue, but lacks advanced graphics you can only get with Modern renderer.

Direct Download

Disable Tree Collisions

Disables bumping into trees, you now walk through them.

Author's Forum Post
Direct Download

Max Toolbelt

Shows a 10 slot toolbelt regardless of its QL and existence. New players on mythmoor get a 100ql toolbelt, so not as useful as it used to be, but nice to have anyway.

Direct Download

Old Mobs

Reverts to an older color view of mobs who have conditions (angry, slow, etc.); the whole mob is dyed the color instead of it being a part of the texture as it is now. Easier for identification. NOTE: This mod is not included in the ZIP file as it is most likely undesirable for most players.

Author's Forum Post
Direct Download

Third Person View

Free Cam Mod

Allows you to disconnect your camera from your character.

NOTE: Free Cam Third Person mods conflict with each other. When Third Person is on, Freecam will not work properly. You must toggle Third Person off first.

Author's Forum Post NOTE: The forum post was never updated by the mod author to link to the latest version, so don't download from the forum post link as it points to 1.0 version. The links below point to version 1.1 on GitHub, the latest version.
Direct Download

Season Configure Mod

Allows you to fix the season in place, or custom configure how long you want the seasons to be. Can only be done in the config file, not through console commands in game.

Author's Forum Post
Direct Download

No Winter

Removes the winter season entirely from the game. Fall textures and settings will be used instead. NOTE: This mod is not included in the ZIP file as it is most likely a personal preference to disable winter.

Author's Forum Post
Direct Download

Skill Gain Tracker

Adds a window to track skill gain, with options. NOTE: WU has a skill gain tracker built in.

Author's Forum Post
Direct Download

Archeology Groups

Makes archeology fragment grouping in inventory slightly saner.

Author's Forum Post
Direct Download

Fish Buddy

Automates most things related to fishing.

Direct Download

Range Finder

Bypasses the spyglass check and gives you a permanent rangefinder cursor at the center of your screen.

Author's Forum Post

Sort Mod

Sort Player Inventory On Game Start, Auto Sort Inventory, Sort Container Contents on Window Open, Auto Sort Container Windows, Auto Sort Skills Window

Author's Forum Post
Direct Download

Note that even though the file name is “WalkerClientMods”, it only contains one mod, the sort mod.

Step 3: Install the Mods

NOTE: Not all mods are zipped up the same. Some contain the mods folder in them, some do not. The ones that contain the mods folder go in the WurmLauncher folder. The ones that do not contain the mods folder go in the WurmLauncher\mods folder.

  1. Close any running copies of Wurm Unlimited.
  2. Find your WU folder: <steam folder>\steamapps\common\Wurm Unlimited\WurmLauncher)
  3. Unzip the contents (or current version) into the WurmLauncher folder, overwrite any files there.
  4. Unzip the contents of the any/all mods zip files into the WurmLauncher folder.
  5. Run patcher.bat in the WurmLauncher folder to patch the game.
  6. Start Wurm from Steam.


If WU loads, but the mods do not work:

  1. You put the files in the wrong folder. Make sure you have a mods folder under the WurmLauncher folder. If not, you put the files in the wrong folder. It is common to mistakenly put them in the Wurm Unlimited folder.
  2. For whatever reason the files did not extract properly. Ensure the individual mod folders exist under the WurmLauncher\mods folder.
  3. Check for patching errors. Open a command prompt in the WurmLauncher folder and run patcher.bat to see if there are any errors.

If WU does not load at all, delete the mod folders (under WurmLauncher\mods) one at a time to find the bad mod. Older mods will cause WU not to load. Do not delete connectionfix, custommaps or serverpacks folders as these are part of the Client Mod Launcher. If you do, you'll have to reinstall Client Mod Launcher.

Worst case scenario uninstall and reinstall Wurm Unlimited in Steam and start over. If you're struggling with the manual install watch the videos on this page.

Step 4: Configuration (Optional)

Live Map

If you want to be able to see ores in mines that are beyond the mined areas, you can turn one visibility in the file by setting showHiddenOre=true.


The process is the same for copying files. You'll have to go into Steam, your Library, right click on the Wurm Unlimited listing, Manage, Browse Local Files. From there you can extract (or copy) your mods into the WurmLauncher folder.

You will need to set your file as executable from a terminal. Browse to the WurmLauncher folder with your file manager, then open a terminal there.

sudo chmod -x

sh ./

You should see the message that the game has been patched.

Linux can be set up to run more than one instance so you can play more than one character at a time (alts). See the How to Use Alts page.

How To Uninstall Mods

  1. Close any running copies of Wurm Unlimited.
  2. Go to the WurmLauncher/mods folder and delete any mod folders you don't want in the game. There are corresponding .properties files you can delete if you want.
  3. Run patcher.bat to patch the game.
  4. Run the game. Deleted mods should be gone.

How to Use Mods

NOTE: Many of the mods use console commands. Press F1 to open and close the console, and type commands in the command line.

Live Map

Author's Forum Post

  • The Live Map can be toggled using the menu. Press ESC.
  • You can toggle Live Map on and off using the console command 'toggle livemap' (F1 for console).
  • You can bind a key to toggle Live Map. Example: bind space "toggle livemap"

Self-explanatory. The mod can be found on the main menu by pressing escape. You can edit the file and set showHiddenOre=true to see all ores, not just the ones you've exposed with your mine tunnels.

Improved Compass

Author's Forum Post

The compass no longer disappears, and has coordinates, height of the tile the player is standing on, and degrees of rotation.

Improved Improve

Author's Forum Post
VIDEO: Freth's video on how to use Improved Improve

Uses your toolbelt to auto-switch between improve tools, making improving much faster and easier. You will need to make binds for repair and improve (and optionally activate). I use these keys: ,=activate .=repair /=improve

Set up toolbelt profiles with tools for the various improve types (wood, metal, leather/cloth, stone, etc.) and then make sure to drag a resource in inventory to a slot when improving a specific type (log, lump, etc.). Hover over the item to improve and use the key binds to queue up repair and improve. Each time the improve tool switches, it should auto change and you can simply press repair/improve to continue.

Note that this mod only works for improving items in an inventory container, whether your inventory or a forge.


Author's Forum Post

Toggle trees, grass and more.

Console commands:


Time Lock

Hard sets the time of day.

Console commands:

timelock 12
timelock 12:34
timelock off

Custom Actions

Author's Forum Post
VIDEO: Freth's video on how to use Custom Actions
VIDEO: How to maximize hunting and gathering with Custom Actions

Bind any action to a key.

Command What It Does
act_show on Turns on action number display in menus
act_show off Turns off action number display in menus
bind space “act 123 hover” Perform action on object mouse is hovered on
bind space “act 45 target” Perform action on target
bind space “act 568 @eq20” Perform action on backpack
bind space “act 162 @eq2” Perform action on helmet
bind space “act 97 @nearby4” Perform an action tiles within four meters of the player

Chaining commands will queue actions. You must have high enough Mind Logic for the number of actions.

bind B "act <id> <target>"
bind B "act <id> <target> | <id> <target>"
bind B "act <id> <target> | <id> <target> | <id> <target>"

Example:  Tend and then harvest in a 3x3 area.
bind B "act 151 area | 152 area"
Target Explanation
hover Uses the specified action upon the hovered item, object or tile
body Uses the specified action upon the characters body
tool Uses the specified action upon the currently activated item
selected Uses the specified action upon the selected tile/object
tile Uses the specified action on current tile
tile_{dir} Uses the specified action on nearby tile (n,e,w,s,ne,nw,se,sw)
area Uses the specified action on 3×3 tiles around current tile
@tb{n} Uses the specified action on item in toolbelt slot #n
toolbelt Activates the tool in belt slot <id> (1-10)

There are also a console commands.

loadtoolbelt # load a specific toolbelt config (0-9)


Command Description
bind space “act 3 toolbelt | 154 tile | 4 toolbelt | 318 tile” Activate slot 3 (say, a shovel) and pack the tile you are standing on, after that it will activate slot 4 (say a rake) and cultivate the same tile
bind r “act 163 hand” Repair your current tool
bind f “act 183 @tb1” Drinks from toolbelt slot #1 (if it contains water)
Character EQ Number
left hand0
right hand1
right arm6
left hand7
right hand8
left foot9
right foot10
right ring16
left ring17
left shoulder18
right shoulder19

Cave Vision

Author's Forum Post

Sets cave lighting to full brightness. There is no toggle.

Better Tooltips

Automatic. Just hover over tiles, tile borders and corners for info.

Author's Forum Post


Fixes a bug that makes deity light pillars, spirit drakes and eagle spirits invisible. Note that you can also fix this by going into Settings, Compatibility and changing VBO from Core to Extension.

Disable Tree Collisions

Disables bumping into trees, you now walk through them.

Author's Forum Post

Max Toolbelt

Shows a 10 slot toolbelt regardless of its QL and existence. New players on mythmoor get a 100ql toolbelt, so not as useful as it used to be, but nice to have anyway.

Old Mobs

Reverts to an older color view of mobs who have conditions (angry, slow, etc.); the whole mob is dyed the color instead of it being a part of the texture as it is now. Easier for identification.

Author's Forum Post

Third Person View

Third person view.

Author's Forum Post

Toggle third person on/off:

tp toggle

Zoom in:

tp zoom-in

Zoom out:

tp zoom-out

Set the x-offset where 'value' = a number (defaults to 0):

tp set-xoffset value

Free Cam Mod

Allows you to disconnect your camera from your character.

NOTE: Free Cam Third Person mods conflict with each other. When Third Person is on, Freecam will not work properly. You must toggle Third Person off first.

Author's Forum Post

Type 'togglefreecam' in the console to detach the camera from your head and fly around, hold shift to go faster. This mod is great for getting glamorous screenshots of your deed, or that player group unique fight in action. Combine with timelock and season configure to further up your screenshot game.

Season Configure Mod

Allows you to fix the season in place, or custom configure how long you want the seasons to be. Can only be done in the config file, not through console commands in game.

Author's Forum Post

Example config file:


# Any one of these set to true will result in the temperature options not getting used.
# Setting more then one to true will use whichever option comes first, top to bottom.
# false : default setting. This makes the mod use the temperature cosine wave to determine season.
# true : Sets the season to always be that type. 

# Google sheet calculator to see how these numbers produce season length
# (I couldn't figure out how to make a simultaneous equation so you could just use percentages):
# Fall and Spring durations will always be about equal.

# This is the average temperature throughout the Wurm Year. Think of it as the average value a cosine waves oscillates around.
# 9.0 is client default default. 

# This is the range of temperatures occurring throughout the year. It's derived from a cosine wave.
# 24.0 is client default. Valid for values >= 0.

# A few examples of (Avg, Delta) combination:
# 1. About all equal length seasons is:  (4,18). This gives W26%, Sp24%, Su26%, F24%
# 2. Client default: (9, 24). This gives W14%, Sp20%, Su46%, F20%
# 3. (4, 12) and this gives Sp50%, F50%.
# 4. (-2,20) and this gives W50%, Sp26%, F24%.
# 5. (17, 18) and this gives Sp10%, Su78%, F12%.
# 6. (-5, 8) and this gives W78%, Sp12%, F10%.

No Winter

Removes the winter season entirely from the game. Fall textures and settings will be used instead.

Author's Forum Post

Skill Gain Tracker

Adds a window to track skill gain, with options.

Author's Forum Post

Archeology Groups

Makes archeology fragment grouping in inventory slightly saner.
Author's Forum Post


Automates most things related to fishing.

For rod/pole fishing just start a fishing action and it will keep casting and pulling in fish automatically until you stop it or your inventory fills up or you run out of fishing gear.

For now it relies on vanilla mechanics to replace baits/floats/etc. so you need the right skill level. In the future i might add an automated replace system too.

For spear fishing just start a fishing action and it will keep looking for fish, striking and restarting the action until you stop it or your inventory fills up.

Net fishing isn't well supported for now, it will restart the action but unless you have other means to clear the fish from the net it will stop once anything is caught. This will be improved in the future. Your rod/pole/spear/net will be kept repaired automatically (but not anything inside them - this will be added in the future)

Range Finder

Bypasses the spyglass check and gives you a permanent rangefinder cursor at the center of your screen.

Author's Forum Post

Console commands: 'rangefinder' toggles range, 'zoom' toggles zoom

Sort Mod

Sort Player Inventory On Game Start, Auto Sort Inventory, Sort Container Contents on Window Open, Auto Sort Container Windows, Auto Sort Skills Window

Author's Forum Post

How to Disable Mods

  1. Rename the <modname>.properties file to .disabled, where modname is the name of the mod. Example: would be changed to livemap.disabled
  2. Run the patcher.bat to patch the game.


  • Updated 08-04-23 - Free Cam mod updated to latest version.
modi.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/18 18:42 by freth

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