Table of Contents
Christmas mainstays…
NOTE: The game itself will spawn a julbord and Santa Claus on December 23rd, at the deed token tile.
Santa Claus
Summon the creature “Santa Claus”. He is an NPC that gives out a snowman that spawns snowballs about every 24 hours (might be 18, I don't know for sure). Alternative is to create a “Christmas tree”, which also gives out a snowman.
Christmas Lights
To spawn a Christmas light pillar on the tile you want it.
You can only have it on one tile. Typically, this is the center tile of Moor's Rest and/or the token tile. Same for the other map capitals. You must do this command for each map on the tile you want the lights emanate from. When you issue the command a red arrow appears. Right click and delete the arrow.
To despawn Christmas light pillar on a tile:
NOTE: This command doesn't seem to work on Mythmoor, or it is delayed until the year's end. See below bullet point.
Things to Know
- All julbords disappear at the end of the year.
- Christmas ends at 11am on 12/31 server time (eastern for Mythmoor).
- The Christmas light pillar disappears at this time.
- The julbords pop a short time later, around noon or one.
- Christmas tree:
- Snowman: model.decoration.snowman.xmas
- Treasure Chest: model.container.chest.large.treasure.birchwood